Saturday, June 25, 2011

What's happening!

July 4th - Workout Cancellation
Both morning and lunch bunch workouts are canceled on Monday, July 4th.
South Central Zone Swimming Championships
Our long course zone championships are being held July 22-24 at the Conroe ISD natatorium. Meet information is available at
This is our biggest meet of the summer season and we're hoping for a good turnout of COOG swimmers. Entry fee is only $45 if postmarked by June 30th. The fee increases to $55 if postmarked after June 30th but received by July 15th. Convenient on-line registration is also available. Hope to see you there!
Tejas Triathlon - June 5th
COOG members dominated the podium at the Tejas Triathlon. COOG age group swimmer Patrick Labrode was the overall race winner. Masters members also took home the hardware.
Alana Kennedy-Nasser    2nd in 35-39 age group
Michele Marvin               2nd in 40-44 age group
Gigi White                      1st in 45-49 age group
Leslie Medley-Russell      2nd in 45-49 age group
Sandy Parker                  1st in 60-64 age group
Jim Thierheimer             4th in 40+ Clydesdale division
Sylvan Beach Triathlon - June 12th
Coach Greg - triathlete! Coach Greg made his triathlon debut at Sylvan Beach. First out of the water (of course), Greg encountered mechanical problems on the bike. Despite losing significant time, Greg still placed 25th overall and 2nd in the 30-34 age group. Way to go, Greg.
Lisa Berman placed 3rd in the 45-49 age group and Roswitha Carter placed first in the 50-54 age group. Congratulations!
Don't See Your Results?
Let me know your race plans so that I can share your accomplishments with the team.
See you at the pool.